The Best Version of Themselves!

Hey parents,

Martial Arts training is all about helping your kids learn and grow. This includes growth in the major areas of development: physical, intellectual, emotional, and social.

To make your job easier, we’ve highlighted a few of the top benefits below. With a proper attitude……….

  • Martial arts training can prevent weight gain!

  • Martial arts training helps prevent learning loss!

  • Martial arts training helps improve emotional stability!

  • Martial arts training helps improve social stability!

Let’s dig in!

Benefit 1: Martial arts training can help prevent unhealthy weight gain!

Lack of physical structure contributes to weight gain. Proper diet and physical activity are a must.

Did you know?

  • Kids gain weight nearly twice as fast over the summer because they are snacking more often, many times out of boredom or lack of structure. At the same time, many kids are also less active over the summer because they sleep in longer, play more video games, etc.

  • A solid martial arts class includes fun daily classroom activities that boost physical development. In fact, kids who train in martial arts practice more at home than with other sports. This means they will be in better physical shape.

Benefit 2: Martial arts can help prevent learning loss!

Many people have the image of karate classes being a happy time where “kids can be kids,” in their cute uniforms and take for granted the benefits of the enriching experiences from such an organized activity. Even coming just two times per week to a structured program can make a tremendous difference in a child’s intellectual development. Martial Arts provides these benefits in a manner that is also fun for kids.

Did you know?

  • For over a century, scholars have recognized that children’s brain development declines relative to inactivity. In fact, studies have shown that children score much lower on standardized tests when not active. Physical activity stimulates the brain!

  • Martial Arts provides daily classroom activities to boost intellectual stimulation. In fact, kids who train with us also tend to progress even faster even if their brains are “bogged” down following a long day of academic learning. This means your child’s working memory and fluid intelligence are expanded into a whole new level of development!

Benefit 3: Martial Arts training can improve emotional stability!

When not in a social setting kids lose a lot of key contributors that boost self-esteem. This leads to less confidence. Martial arts classes provide a great environment for building kids emotional development in a manner that is positive and productive.

Did you know?

  • Kids that lose self-esteem face many fears associated with making new friends, meeting new teachers & coaches, and bullying.

  • Martial Arts includes daily classroom activities with peers that strengthen our students emotional outlook. In fact, children that are more confident are excited about all the wonderful opportunities laid before them!

Benefit 4: Martial arts classes help improve social stability!

Following rules and establishing structure is very important. This includes proper social behavior. Martial arts classes develop this social behavior during class, and those lessons carry over to both school and home.

Did you know?

  • Kids that don’t have proper social development tend to misbehave when they enter a new school season. At the same time, kids that don’t have sufficient positive social interaction enter the new school year with more anxiety.

  • Martial Arts includes daily classroom activities for kids that boost social development. In fact, kids who train in martial arts tend to be the same students that get glowing behavioral reviews from teachers during the first round of parent teacher conferences. At the same time, kids with the best behavioral reviews are also statistically the students with the best academic reviews because they aren’t distracted with the repercussions of poor behavior (really, look it up!).


What parent would not want to see their kid physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially stronger? Martial Arts training can be a wonderful opportunity to help your kids become the best version of themselves!

Being a student is tough work.

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