Martial arts can be difficult

Yes, martial arts can be considered challenging and may be perceived as hard by some individuals. The level of difficulty varies based on factors such as the style of martial art, the individual's physical abilities, prior experience, and the intensity of training. Here are some reasons why martial arts training at Strickland’s Martial Arts may be considered hard by some:

  1. Physical Demands: Martial arts training involves physical exertion and conditioning. It helps with the development of strength, flexibility, and endurance. Learning and mastering various techniques and skills require both physical effort and a high level of commitment.

  2. Technical Complexity: Different martial arts styles have a wide range of techniques and movements. Some focus on the practical application of kicking, punching and striking, whereas others focus of artistic movements such as forms that practitioners need to learn and execute precisely. The technical complexity of these different martial arts movements can make training challenging.

  3. Discipline and Consistency: Martial arts emphasize discipline and consistent practice. Achieving proficiency requires regular training and dedication, which can be demanding for some individuals.

  4. Mental Toughness: Martial arts training challenges the mind. It requires focus, concentration, and the ability to handle stress and pressure. Developing mental toughness is an integral part of martial arts training.

  5. Sparring and Competition: Engaging in contact sparring and or participating in tournament competitions, can be mentally and physically demanding. Facing opponents and applying techniques in dynamic situations adds an extra layer of difficulty.

  6. Learning Progressions: Martial arts training has a structured curriculum with progressive levels. Advancing through these levels requires consistent effort and the ability to absorb and apply new knowledge both physically and mentally.

  7. Cultural and Philosophical Aspects: Some martial arts styles include cultural and philosophical elements that practitioners are encouraged to understand and incorporate into their practice. This adds an intellectual and reflective dimension to the training.

Despite these challenges, many individuals find the difficulty of martial arts training to be rewarding. The process of overcoming obstacles, improving physical and mental skills, and achieving personal growth makes the journey worthwhile. It's important to approach martial arts with a positive mindset, recognizing that the challenges contribute to the overall experience and benefits of training. Strickland’s Martial Arts has tailored the training program to accommodate different skill levels and help students progress at their own pace through the many challenges of learning real martial arts..

Being a student is tough work.

Martial arts and self defense


Learning martial skills