Parent to Instructor

I so appreciate your thoughts and careful reflections Mr. Vickroy! And also appreciate Mr. Strickland's contributions across all the years of Scott's work in TKD! Pam and I have been so amazed by Scott's progress in numerous areas of his life and we believe that the nucleus of that progress has been his involvement with TKD and the many individuals that have come in contact with him over the last six or seven years from that venue. His fitness level has soared, his confidence both inside and outside of his comfort zone, his communications and interaction with those new to him, even his mental focus evidenced by his soaring interest and ability with reading have all been positively influenced. I asked the question about going further in the belt ranks because we could influence his interest either way. We could introduce the idea of him going further by substituting a teaching certificate of some sort which would validate his very strong desire to serve while also saving him the heartache of going to meets further away both physically and emotionally. If the probability was high for him to consistently get his butt kicked and be completely outgunned in forms etc., it would not be in his best interest to continue belt accumulation. At the same time, he has fought his way back after multiple setbacks at certain prior belt levels and those challenges and ultimate success have been important to his development too! But at the end of the day and after getting over the emotional aspects of a defeat, he was confident as were we, that he was capable of progressing.

The point of asking your opinion was to get a feel for his chances of continued progress at the national level or whether it was too big a stretch. It makes a huge difference to him to have familiar faces and supporters along and if you guys are willing to shepherd him thru the process as Mr. Vickroy outlined, we are onboard with continuing and Scott will be enthused about that outcome as well. Without being a parent of a special needs child, you have no idea how valuable and appreciated your extra efforts for these kids are. Pam and I are both blessed to have found this interest for Scott and for his willingness to stick it out and improve even through some tough periods of frustration and disappointment. And we will be forever grateful for the collective contributions to our very special young man, Scott Nelson. Thank you! We would welcome any thoughts about how we can contribute from home to help Scott prepare for an event at the next level. Best personal regards,

Spence & Pam Nelson

Being a student is tough work.

Find a Way!


Practice is all you need