Stricklands Martial Arts

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The power of Tribe

Being part of our tribe refers to your being a member of our social group and community, while sharing many of the same values and beliefs. The concept of belonging to our tribe implies a sense of shared identity and mutual support.

Key characteristics of being part of our Strickland’s Martial Arts tribe include:

  1. Shared Identity: Members of a tribe share a common identity, which can be based on the fact that they all share the same common interest in martial arts and self defense.

  2. Community and Solidarity: Our tribe fosters a strong sense of community and solidarity. Members support each other emotionally and socially. Be it in class when training, at tournament when competing, or at school facing bullies. Our tribal members stand up for and support one another.

  3. Common Goals and Values: Our tribal members have shared goals, values, and norms that guide good behavior. These members follow a codes of conduct and the tenets of martial arts.

  4. Sense of Belonging: Being part of our tribe provides individuals with a sense of belonging and acceptance. This contributes to the overall well-being and fulfillment of each member.

  5. Social Structure: Like all tribes, we have a social structure with defined leadership roles and friendly relationships. Our instructors also play key roles in decision-making and maintaining order in class.

  6. Cultural Practices: Like all ribes we also have unique cultural practices and ceremonies, such as blet promotion and awards.

  7. Mutual Support: Members of our tribe provide mutual support for all its members. This support can be emotional and practical. As a tribe we look out for one another.

The essence of tribalism lies in the sense of shared identity and belonging. It is this that fosters a connection among our members and students.
